Ship manning Ship manning

Shipping Shipping

Ship repair Ship repair

To act as an agent

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Officers available here are holding certificate of competency from U.K. / Ireland /Hong-Kong /Australia / Singapore / Bangladesh. but most of the officers are obtaining their certificate from UK.

Junior officers Both Nautical & Engineering are coming from Marine Academy, after completion of their two years pre-sea training. Our Academy is being conducted as a branch of world Maritime University, Malmo, Sweden.

Our crew are trained in a govt. recognized training centre and they are to undergo two years both practical and theoretical training as per STCW’95 rules. They are trained in such a way so that they can understand command and speak in English reasonably well. Our crews are obedient, social, sincere and hard working. They can mix with any nationals and can accommodate themselves in any kinds of environment weather and food. They are not addicted to alcohol.